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SplashKit SDK

Once installed, launch the WSL distribution you installed. This will open a terminal window running a Linux environment.

  1. Update the package lists and upgrade the installed packages by running the following commands in the Linux terminal: Run the following at the Terminal:

    Terminal window
    sudo apt update
    Terminal window
    sudo apt upgrade
  2. Install the necessary dependencies for SplashKit by running the following command:

    Terminal window
    sudo apt install git curl

    OPTIONAL Install the required dependencies: SplashKit requires several dependencies to be installed. Run the following command in the WSL terminal to install them

    Terminal window
    sudo apt install build-essential libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev
  3. Download and install SplashKit using the SKM (SplashKit Manager) installation script. Run the following command in the Linux terminal: bash <(curl -s

    This can also be found on the SplashKit home page.

  4. Check if the skm executable is present in the .splashkit directory by running the following command:

    Terminal window
    ls -l .splashkit

    Screenshot This will list the contents of the .splashkit directory, including the skm executable.

  5. If the skm executable is present, you can add it to your system’s PATH by running the following command:

    Terminal window
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.splashkit:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

    OPTIONAL Install SKM tools for Linux: skm linux install

  6. Execute skm to test it was successfully installed.

    Terminal window

    You should see the following messages:

    Terminal window
    SplashKit is installed successfully!
    Missing skm command. For help use 'skm help'

    SplashKit supports a number of languages. Run skm help at the terminal to see the different commands you can run.